There is a high standard in place in the teaching field for Argentina as it has always had a large number of the population who speak English. Competition is tough so the individual must be aware to pack all their credentials. Some schools can require, in some cases, up to five years experience. Contacts are essential, business teaching is more lucrative and there are a number of private language schools that one can apply to. Materials such as books can be scarce, it is therefore best that the individual plans ahead for such a circumstance. The foreign teacher should be prepared to independently search for accommodations. A one bedroom apartment can cost up to $600 US per month. The best time of the year for hiring would be March to April.
The teacher is advised that customary practice in hiring is to sign on for perhaps up to a year contract in order to obtain the necessary working documentation. Most schools may want a certain commitment. The larger language schools can usually help with the necessary paper work. Teachers may be paid $15 US per hour in private institutes and perhaps more for private lessons for which he or she must register and pay a small percentage oftax on. Work is most plentiful in Buenos Aires however the teacher may look for work in Mendoza, Cordoba or the Patagonia.
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